How to Avoid Runner’s Knee
“Runner’s knee” is an injury that you could expect worsen if you don’t change what you’re doing. If you feel a dull pain around the front of the knee (patella) you may be experiencing runner’s knee.

Tips For Pain-Free Gardening
Crouching, lifting, pushing, pulling, and carrying. Gardening can be a strenuous activity. Protect your body while gardening this spring and summer. Make sure you are making the necessary precautions and keep your body in shape to prevent injury.

Muscle of the day: Quadriceps
In contrast to popular belief, the quadriceps or quads are not a muscle but a group of muscles. Like the name implies (“quad”) there are four muscles in the group. So, what do these muscles do and why are they important?

How Physical Therapy Can Improve Your Golf Swing
The weather is getting warmer and golf season is upon us. For those who have not been able to golf or work on their swing due to winter weather, it is important to make sure your body is prepared before you go out and play 18 holes or hit a hundred of ball at the driving range. If your body is not properly prepared before you start golfing, you could hit the ball improperly, which can lead to injury and hinder your golf game.

Benefits of Eccentric Exercise
An important aspect of strength training is the eccentric component of exercise. What exactly does eccentric mean? An eccentric movement is the lowering part of a move. It’s when your muscle works as it’s lengthened, like when your glutes do when you’re going down into a squat, or biceps as you’re lowering a dumbbell during a bicep curl. So what are the benefits of eccentrics?

Exercises for Hip Mobility
These hip mobility exercises will help you loosen up. But first, what is mobility and why is it important?

Sprains Vs. Strains
The terms “sprain” and “strain” are often used to describe overstretching or tearing of soft tissue in and around your joint. Although the words sound very similar, there are key differences and knowing the critical difference can help you distinguish between these two injuries.

Shoulder Instability
The shoulder is the most flexible joint in the body. And because of its ability to move in many directions, it can sometimes lead to an increased tendency for instability.

Do You Need Surgery for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a common condition with an estimated incidence of 542 per 100,000. Is surgery necessary with carpal tunnel syndrome? In this blog we go over a recent study that looked at the effects of manual therapy versus surgery.

Fat Fobia: Part 2
This is our second blog in the Fat “Fobia” series, in which we discuss fat in the diet and its significance. So sit back, grab an avocado, and enjoy!

Spondylolisthesis is a condition where a vertebra slips forward over another vertebra. Many people who have this are often symptom free, however when it is symptomatic and it can cause pain and radicular symptoms.

IT Band Syndrome
Do you have pain at the side of your leg/knee? Are you a runner or walker? Well, you may be suffering from iliotibial band syndrome (ITB syndrome).

Muscle of the Day: Scalenes
The scalenes are a muscle group found in the neck that consist of three muscles – anterior, medial and posterior scalenes, with one either side of the body. Scalenes can be prone to tension; however, good posture, soft tissue massage, and specific exercises can help alleviate tightness in these muscles.

Fix Your Posture Today!
What is the “best” posture? Is there a “best” posture? Read more to find out.

5 Exercises to Monitor Your ACL Rehab Progress
Have you recently had an ACL surgery and are going through rehab? According to a recent study, here are 5 exercises that have been found to be a good way to monitor your progress.

How to Treat Vertigo At Home
Vertigo is "benign" as it is not life threatening, but depending on the intensity of the spinning sensation, it can place person at an extremely high risk for falls, which can lead to significant injury.

Fat “Fobia”: Part 1
Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to lose fat? Then just stop eating fat! If only it was that simple. Research is telling us that fat may not be the culprit after all.

Muscle of the Day: Temporalis
Have you ever had a headache right around the sides of your head, or pain in your jaw when eating? The temporalis is one of the muscles used when chewing. It is broad and fan shaped, and is located on each side of your head, in an area commonly referred to as the temple. This muscle is commonly involved in jaw pain and headaches.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)
Do you have numbness, tingling or pain in your hand? Do you use a computer frequently? If so, then this blog is for you.

The Hips = The Core
Have you ever heard of your core? Many people immediately think of their abdominal muscles. While your abs are part of your core, it is important to realize how important the hip is in the core’s function.