Fat “Fobia”: Part 1


Do you want to lose weight?  Do you want to lose fat?  Then just stop eating fat!  If only it was that simple.  Research is telling us that fat may not be the culprit after all.  

Foods high in fat include:

  • Avocados

  • Eggs

  • Butter

  • Cheese

  • Dark chocolate

  • Fish

  • Nuts

  • Chia seeds

  • Olive oil

  • Coconuts

  • Whole yogurt


In Dr. Jason Fung’s book, The Obesity Code, he has a whole chapter about dietary fats, entitled “Fat Phobia.”  He takes a deep dive into the subject of high-fat foods, and whether we should fear them or eat them regularly.  Here is a noteworthy take-home from that chapter:

Dr. Walter Willett is a professor at the Harvard School of Public Health.  These are his words after reviewing the literature on dietary fats: “Diets high in fat do not account for the high prevalence of excess body fat in Western Countries.  Reductions in the percentage of energy from fat will have no important benefits and could further exacerbate this problem.  The emphasis on total fat reduction has been a serious distraction in efforts to control obesity and improve health in general.”

Part 2 of Fat “Fobia” will be posted to our blog page in the future.  Have a wonderful day and don’t forget to Live, Laugh, and Love!

Written by Kenneth G Kells III, PT


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