How Physical Therapy Can Improve Your Golf Swing


The weather is getting warmer and golf season is upon us. For those who have not been able to golf or work on their swing due to winter weather, it is important to make sure your body is prepared before you go out and play 18 holes or hit a hundred of ball at the driving range. If your body is not properly prepared before you start golfing, you could hit the ball improperly, which can lead to injury and hinder your golf game.

Common issues include:

  • Poor balance and stance

  • Poor posture

  • Decreased motion of the neck, shoulder blades, mid-back, and hips

  • Muscle tightness, joint restrictions

  • Poor body mechanics

With physical therapy, an evaluation and treatment plan can help you maximize your ability to swing a golf club efficiently. A physical therapist will provide and guide you through exercises specifically designed to:

  • Improve mobility of all joints (e.g., the neck, shoulder, back). Limited mobility could affect your swing.

  • Improve flexibility of your hips and shoulder musculature as they are both important in follow-through and backswing

  • Improve dynamic balance and develop an improvement plan for improved shot follow-through. Poor control of hip, abdominal, and hip musculature could cause you to finish your swing off balance

  • Improve core strength, which is the base of a good golf swing

A golf swing is a complex movement with many body parts working together. If one part of your body is limited, then other parts of your body will compensate and this could lead to development of bad habits or injury. Over time, injuries can develop or pre-existing injuries may worsen. A physical therapist can help golfers achieve proper mechanics and movement to prevent injury, eliminate pain from an existing injury, and/or improve their golf swing and consistency.


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