The Hips = The Core


Have you ever heard of your core?  Many people immediately think of their abdominal muscles.  While your abs are part of your core, it is important to realize how important the hip is in the core’s function.

The hip is a ball and socket joint consisting of the femoral head (ball) and acetabulum of the pelvis (socket). 

This joint is highly complex:

Movements of the hip:

  • Flexion

  • Extension

  • Abduction

  • Adduction

  • External Rotation

  • Internal Rotation

Ligaments of the hip

  • Ischiofemoral ligament

  • Iliofemoral ligament

  • Pubofemoral ligament

Muscles of the hip:

  • Gluteus maximus

  • Gluteus medius

  • Gluteus minimus

  • Piriformis

  • Superior and Inferior gemellus

  • Obturator externus and internus

  • Tensor Fascia latae

  • Iliacus

  • Psoas minor and major

  • Iliopsoas

  • Pectineus

  • Gracilis

  • Adductor (brevis, longus and magnus)

  • Quads

  • Hamstrings

  • Sartorius

2 exercises you can do to maintain a strong and mobile hip:

1) Standing dynamic hip flexor stretch: see video below at 4:58-5:47

2) Standing 3D kick: see video at 5:48-6:27

It is very important to remember that how important the hip joint is in human body function and mobility.  Have a great day and remember to live, laugh, and love!

Written by Kenneth G Kells III, PT


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)


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