Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)


Do you have numbness, tingling or pain in your hand?  Do you use a computer frequently?  If so, then this blog is for you.  

What is the carpal tunnel? 

The carpal tunnel is a tunnel located at the lateral and palmar side of the wrist/hand.  

What structures make the carpal tunnel? 

The carpal bones of hand, as well as the transverse carpal ligament form the carpal tunnel.

What structures run through this tunnel?

Finger/wrist flexor tendons, as well as the median nerve (which when compromised, is responsible for carpal tunnel syndrome).

What are symptoms of CTS?

Numbness, tingling, and/or pain.

Where will I feel symptoms of CTS?

Palm of hand at thumb, index finger, middle finger, and/or lateral side of ring finger.

What can cause CTS? 

Overuse/overtyping, prolonged wrist extension, and/or grip weakness.

What are things I can do to treat and prevent CTS?

1) Median Nerve Glide: See video below at 1:38-2:50

2) Tendon Gliding: See video below at 2:51-4:25

Have an amazing day and don’t forget to live, laugh and love!

Written by Kenneth Kells III


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