10,000 steps per day: is it realistic?


Many have given advice to get 10,000 steps per day in order to maintain health and mobility in the legs.  Many also state that this number is too high and to reap the gains of walking, we need far less than 10,000 steps.  So, in short, the answer to the question above is, “it depends.”  I will expand on this answer below…

In my humble opinion, I believe goals should be broken down into short-term and long-term.  For example, if one wants to run a 5k in 3 months, her short term goal may be to run for 20 minutes straight within 3 weeks, while her long term goal might be to run that 5k.  However, I believe that not all long term goals need to be met in life.  10,000 steps is totally dependent on the individual, and that individual’s goals.

I am 28 and relatively healthy.  10,000 steps per day is quite feasible and realistic for me (and part of my daily routine, if I may add).  A man who is 85 years old and uses a walker may hope to get 1,000 steps per day to meet his standards.  10,000 steps per day for me, the 28 year old healthy individual, and 1,000 steps per day for the 85 year old man.  Let us call these short term goals.  This is good stuff, but I feel long term goals are what truly give us motivation to push forward.

What if that 85 year old man said to himself, “I want to add one extra step per day, until the day I die.”  Granted, he would be 109 years old once he reached 10,000 steps per day, but so what?  Whether he gets to 10,000 steps per day is irrelevant, EVEN if he did set that as his long term goal!  The point is he progressed, and he progressed in a way that was sustainable. 

Having long term goals (with an appropriate plan to go with them), allow us to reach further, and to do so with out burn out.  Have an amazing day and keep moving!

Written by Kenneth G. Kells III, DPT


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