The Perfect Push Up


The pushup is one exercise that truly works the whole body.  Doing a pushup activates your abdominals, para-spinals, gluts, hip flexors, triceps, chest, shoulders and quads.  If you cannot perform a perfect pushup, don’t worry.  I am going to discuss 2 modifications to help you progress to the standard pushup.

Modification #1: Kneeling pushup (1:00-1:56)

  • Get into a pushup position

  • Drop your knees to floor

  • Knees should NOT be directly under your hips, rather a few inches inferior

  • Keep hands shoulder width

  • Slowly lower to the ground

  • Once your nose hits the ground, explode upward to the starting position

  • Repeat

Modification #2: Eccentric pushup (1:56-2:56)

  • Start in a pushup position

  • Hands shoulder width

  • Engage gluts and abdominals

  • Descend toward the floor as slow as you can until your nose touches the floor

  • Come up however you like (the up portion is not important)

  • Repeat

*Tip: As you go down toward the floor, retract your shoulder blades and keep abdominals engaged

Consistency is more important than reps and sets, but 3 sets of 10, 3 times per week is a great place to start.  Have a great day and remember to live, laugh and love.

Written by Kenneth G Kells III, DPT


Reps and Sets


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